Friday, November 5, 2010

Currency Exchange  this is my Currency Exchange spreadsheet.

Let's Go Shopping  this is my spreadsheet for let's go shopping

1st Trimester Reflections

I am proud of my last test.
I wish i had done better on the first test.
Over all algebra has not been hard for me.
Solving equations, ratios, and proportions.
My first goal for the next trimester is to study more for tests.  I will use my practice tests to study and i will use my past HW to study.
My second goal is to get all 20's on my HW.  I can cheek my work and have my mom or dad cheek it.

Service Learning and Math

In my service learning we are dealing with ESL students which are students that have english as a second language.
we go to Mary Oaks Elementary.
one of the things we will be doing with the kids is tutoring them a little in math.

Chapter 4 Vocab

here is my vocab