Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Math Casts

My screen casts are HEREHEREHERE, and HERE

How you make a math cast: First you go to and set up an acount.  Then you download painter which is a program that allows you towrite on a document.  The yo go back to screenr and press record.  After that you go back to Painter and when you are ready you press the red button on the screen.  After that you solve a problem and you are finished.
I liked the Math Casts and they were very helpful to me!!

Chapter 10 Vocab

My vocab is HERE.

Make A Million Dolars

My spreadsheet is HERE.

I concluded that i would be a millionaire at the most in 234 years and at the least 50 years.

Real World Parabolas

This roller coaster is called The Cannon.  It was built in 2005 and was built by Intamin.  It was built out of steel.  The Cannon is in Liseberg, Sweden and is called The Kanonen in Swedish.